Jayoung Song

Jayoung Song

Assistant Professor of Korean and Applied Linguistics
201 Old Botany Building
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B.A., English Linguistics & Literature, Kyung Hee University, Korea
M.A., Foreign Language Education, The University of Texas at Austin
Ph.D., Foreign Language Education, The University of Texas at Austin

Professional Bio

Jayoung Song is an Assistant Professor of Korean and Applied Linguistics at Penn State University. Her research interests include Korean applied linguistics, computer-assisted language learning, intercultural communication, and second language reading. Dr. Song has published in peer-reviewed journals such as Education and Information Technologies, Language Learning & Technology, ReCALL, and The Korean Language in America. She works with projects incorporating virtual and augmented reality, supported by funding from the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2020-R39, AKS-2023-R063) and the U.S. Department of Education (CALPER P229A220016).