Eunhae Cho, Ph.D.
From the provinces to the capital: Geographic and sociocultural transitions from Korean learners to English.
Advisor: Celeste Kinginger
Alba Garcia Alonso, Ph.D.
Concept-Based Language Instruction as the mediational means of novice language teacher development.
Advisor: Karen Johnson
Sarah Jackson, Ph.D.
Don’t Stand in the fire!: Effective collaboration, communication, interactions, and strategy in mediated environments– A discourse analytic approach to MMORPG streaming on Twitch.
Advisor: Susan Strauss
Yulia S. Khoruzhaya, Ph.D.
Motion constructions in L2 Spanish learners’ oral production: A longitudinal study.
Advisor: Kevin McManus
Xixin (Steve) Qiu, Ph.D.
A concept- and corpus-based instruction to promote effective communication in disciplinary research writing: Development of sentence-level linguistic knowledge in ESL/EFL graduate students.
Advisor: Xiaofei Lu
Yuanheng (Arthur) Wang, Ph.D.
Demystifying Academic Promotional Genres.
Advisor: Xiaofei Lu
Jingyuan Zhuang, Ph.D.
Promoting second language development of English modality through online concept-based language instruction: A mixed methods study.
Advisor: Celeste Kinginger
Shuyuan Liu, Ph.D.
Navigating linguacultural diversity in online and offline global higher education: International students’ employment and development of English as a Lingua Franca pragmatic strategies during study abroad.
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Su Yin Khor, Ph.D.
Immigrant women’s second language socialization in a community-based English literacy program.
College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine
Yingliang Elvin He, Ph.D.
Managing progressivity: An investigation of interactional activities, action, and turn designs in Zoom group discussion.
Writing Programs, University of California, Los Angeles
Jacob Rieker, Ph.D.
Provoking the genesis of a teaching as dialogic mediation instructional stance: A Vygotskian concept-based language instructional intervention.
Department of Applied Linguistics, The Pennsylvania State University
Valeriya Minakova, Ph.D.
“If my language dies tomorrow…”: Language ideologies and language maintenance practices of the Circassians (Adyghes) in Russia.
Tianfang Sally Wang, Ph.D.
The concept of conceptual metaphor as a psychological tool for L2 development: A conceptual metaphor theory-informed concept-based language instruction.
Writing Programs, University of California, Los Angeles
Genggeng Zhang, Ph.D.
Authorial stance in research articles: An intertextual perspective.
Guadalupe Rincon, Ph.D.
Graduate student academic socialization through mentored writing interactions: Between empowerment and marginalization.
UX Qualitative Researcher, JPMorgan Chase & Co
Bryan Buschner, Ph.D.
ALL in the dialogue: A discourse analytic approach to advising in language learning.
Soka University, Hachioji, Tokyo
Yingying Liu, Ph.D.
Multiword constructions in published and student mechanical engineering research articles.
Department of English, College of Foreign Languages, Ocean University of China
Brett Diaz, Ph.D.
The affective practices of health policy implementation: Rural, elderly health policy in the face of the opioid epidemic.
University of Toronto – St. Michael’s Hospital/Wilson Centre/Unity Health
Nicolas Doyle, Ph.D.
Reconceptualizing language in community-based adult ESL: A Vygotskian sociocultural theoretical professional development intervention.
UX Researcher, Hack for LA
Marika Criss Hall, Ph.D.
“You are the business card of your won subject, so if you’re a pedagogical Gestapo you don’t have a subject anymore:” Issues in Finnish language education in policy and practice.
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
J. Elliott Casal, Ph.D.
An integrated corpus and genre analysis approach to writing research and pedagogy: Development of graduate student genre knowledge.
Department of English, University of Memphis
Mohammad Naseh Nasrollahi Shahri, Ph.D.
Trajectories of international graduate students’ socialization into research article writing: Multiple case studies.
Department of Linguistics, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
Katherine Allyn Masters, Ph.D.
Engaged language planning, policy, and teacher development in Nicaragua: Partnership at the interface of global English discourse and emerging teacher praxis.
Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio
Jungwan Yoon, Ph.D.
Writing beyond the obvious: The effects of tasks on student writing in ESL freshman composition.
Department of English, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Miso Kim, Ph.D.
South Korean entry-level jobseekers’ English-language learning in the neoliberal job market.
Center for English as a Lingua Franca, Tamagawa University, Tokyo, Japan
Jade Sandbulte, Ph.D.
Invisible sojourners: Second language socialization among international spouses.
Academic Writing and Learning Center, University of Minnesota Duluth
Jamie Kim, Ph.D.
A conversation analytic study on what makes students talk: Mobilizing responses in classroom interaction.
Center for Teaching and Learning, Columbia University
Michael Amory, Ph.D.
A process of becoming: A longitudinal analysis of pre-service teacher development through an MA TESL program.
Department of English, Oklahoma State University
Madhav Kafle, Ph.D.
Negotiating academic literacy in mobility: Undergraduate refugee students’ challenges in US higher education.
Department of English, Rutgers University
Seth L. King, Ph.D.
Teaching assistant pedagogical development: Evolution, biological change over time, and concept based instruction.
ICA Language Services, Arlington, VA
Mathurin (Mint) Leelasetakul, Ph.D.
Lexical bundle use by Thai undergraduate learners of English.
Department of English, Chulalongkorn University
Ben Pin-Yun Wang, Ph.D.
A Cognitive-pragmatic study on modal verbs of possibility in Chinese.
Department of Pacific and Asian Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
Olesya Kisselev, Ph.D.
Word order and information structure in the writing of heritage and second language learners of Russian: An exploratory study.
Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio
Daisuke Kimura, Ph.D.
English as a lingua franca, multilingualism, and social networks in study abroad: Narrative case studies of Japanese students in Thailand.
Center for Global Communication Strategies, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Sheng-Hsun Lee, Ph.D.
Learning Chinese in and beyond study abroad: Two longitudinal case studies of language learning processes.
School of Languages and Cultures, The University of Queensland, Australia
Qian Wu, Ph.D.
Communicating emotions in L2 Chinese: A mixed-methods multiple case study of American learners of Chinese studying abroad in China.
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Ryerson University, Canada
Priscilla Maunette Ortiz, Ph.D.
Multimodal coordination of interaction by interpreters in bilingual healthcare encounters.
Department of Interpreting Services, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
Eunjeoung Lee, Ph.D.
Translingual disposition, negotiation practices, and rhetorical attunement: Multilingual writers.
Department of English, University of Houston, TX
Lindsey Kurtz, Ph. D.
“I don’t know why. I just make comparisons.”: Concept-based instruction to promote development of a second legal languaculture in international LL.M. students.
Penn State Law, The Pennsylvania State University,
Abby Mueller Dobs, Ph.D.
A conversation analytic approach to motivation: Fostering motivation in the L2 classroom through play.
Jeremy Gevara, Ph.D.
Confirming the impact of performance tasks on latent class membership and placement decisions.
Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, Monterey, CA
Patria Lopez de Victoria, Ph.D.
Narratives of self in older bilingual adults diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
Department of English, University of Puerto Rico-Cayey
Brooke Ricker Schreiber, Ph.D.
Negotiation of pedagogy in EFL writing instruction.
Department of English, Baruch College, New York, NY
Jhu Hyoung Youn, Ph.D.
Evidentiality in interaction: The role of Korean inferential evidentials.
Haiyang Ai, Ph.D.
Promoting second language development with concept-based instruction and intelligent computer-assisted language learning.
Department of Literacy and Second Language Studies, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Brody Bluemel, Ph.D.
Parallel corpora and pedagogy: Enhancing Chinese foreign language learning experience through parallel corpus technology.
Department of English, Delaware State University, Dover, DE
Kimberly Buescher Urbanski, Ph.D.
Developing second language narrative literacy using concept-based instruction and a division-of-labor pedagogy.
College of Liberal Arts, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Edie Furniss, Ph.D.
A web-based instructional module for the teaching of routine formulas in Russian.
Department of English, University of Helsinki, Finland
Mary Kathryn Malone, Ph.D.
Sociopragmatic competence and L2 self: Discursive choices in advanced L2 French narratives.
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Yumi Matsumoto, Ph.D.
Multimodal communicative strategies for resolving miscommunication in multilingual writing classrooms.
Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Kaushalya Perera, Ph.D.
Discourses of militarisation in Sri Lankan universities.
Department of English, University of Columbo, Sri Lanka
Dorothy Worden, Ph.D.
The development of L2 writing teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in teaching activity.
Department of English, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Alissa J. Hartig, Ph.D.
Connecting disciplinary concepts and language: A study of legal literacy development in a second language and legal culture.
Department of Applied Linguistics, Portland State University, Portland, OR
Gretchen Nauman, Ph.D.
Paths to new conceptualizations of literacy in Chinese EFL teachers.
Jilin University, Jilin, China
Thomas Tasker, Ph.D.
Exploring EFL teacher professional development through lesson study: An activity theoretical approach.
American English Institute, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Mei-Hsing Tsai, Ph.D.
Usage-based cognitive semantics in L2 collocation: A microgenetic analysis of EFL students’ collocational knowledge.
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Xian Zhang, Ph.D.
Teachability hypothesis and concept-based instruction: Topicalization in Chinese as a second language.
Department of Linguistics, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Ekaterina Arshavskaya, Ph.D.
Collaborative mentoring activities: Supporting the development of teaching expertise.
Department of Languages, Philosophy, and Communication Studies, Utah State University, Salt Lake City, UT
Larysa Bobrova, Ph.D.
Identification of Multimodal Metaphor in TV Commercials.
Department of English, Miami University, Oxford, OH
Julieta Fernandez, Ph.D.
Social networks and colloquial language development in study abroad.
Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Jiyun Kim, Ph.D.
Developing conceptual understanding of sarcasm in a second language through concept based instruction.
Catholic University of Korea, Seoul
Houxiang Li, Ph.D.
Grammar and lexis in interaction: A conversation analysis of talk in small group work in ESL classes.
School of English Education, GuangDong University of Foreign Studies, China
Tetyana Smotrova, Ph.D.
Instructional functions of speech and gesture in the L2 classroom.
Center for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore
I Nyoman Suka Sanjaya, Ph.D.
Hedging and boosting in English and Indonesian research articles.
Bali State Polytechnic, Bali, Indonesia
Rémi Adam van Compernolle, Ph.D.
Developing second language sociopragmatic capacity through concept-based instruction.
Department of Modern Languages, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Tracy Davis, Ph.D.
Undergraduate vs. graduate academic English: A corpus-based analysis.
Department of English Language and Literature, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI
Sungwoo Kim, Ph.D.
Development of meaning making in second language writing of international graduate students: A sociocultural and cognitive linguistic perspective.
Seoul National University, Korea
Wei Lai, Ph.D.
Concept-based foreign language pedagogy: Teaching the Chinese temporal system.
Queensborough Community College, Bayside, NY
Duff Johnston, Ph.D.
Interactional resources for instructors’ collective decision-making: Evidence from EFL teachers’ meetings in China.
Institute of English, Seattle Central, Seattle, WA
Hyewon Lee, Ph.D.
Concept-based approach to second language teaching and learning: Cognitive linguistics-inspired instruction of English phrasal verbs.
Alina Pajtek, Ph.D.
A cross-linguistic and cross-cultural analysis of taste, food, cooking, and interaction in a corpus of television cooking shows from Romania and the US.
Department of Linguistics and ESL Composition, Harper College, Palatine, IL
Brenda Ross, Ph.D.
Language, identity, and investment in the English language of a group of Mexican women living in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Department of Romance Languages, University of Georgia, Athens
Jie Zhang, Ph.D.
The acquisition of the Chinese resultative verb complements by learners of Chinese as a foreign language: A learner corpus approach.
Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Selim Ben Said, Ph.D.
Urban street signs in the linguistic landscape of Tunisia: Tensions in policy, representation and attitudes.
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Sharon Childs, Ph.D.
Language teacher cognition: Tracing the conceptualizations of second language teachers.
Department of Applied Linguistics, The Pennsylvania State University
Soeun Cho, Ph.D.
Project-based learning in a foreign language immersion camp.
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea
Stefanie Rehn, Ph.D.
The spoken self: An ethnographic exploration of accent and identity.
MasterControl, Inc., Resource Manager, Salt Lake City, UT
Kwanghyun Park, Ph.D.
Enhancing lexico-grammatical performance through corpus-based mediation in L2 academic writing instruction.
Department of English Language and Literature, Myongji University, Korea
Davi Schirmer Reis, Ph.D.
Non-native English speaking teachers and professional legitimacy: A sociocultural theoretical perspective on identity transformation.
Analytical Analyst, Grammarly, Pittsburgh, PA
Kyungja Ahn, Ph.D.
Learning to teach within the curricular reform context: a sociocultural perspective on English student teachers’ practicum experience in South Korea.
Seoul National University of Education, Korea
Chas Brua, Ph.D.
Health-care access in a rural area: Perspectives from Russian-speaking immigrants, English-speaking doctors, and volunteer interpreters.
Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, The Pennsylvania State University
Emily Rine, Ph.D.
Development in dialogic teaching skills: A micro-analytic case study of a pre-service ITA.
Center for Written and Oral Communication, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Elizabeth Smolcic, Ph.D.
Preparing teachers for diverse classrooms: an activity theoretical analysis of teacher learning and development.
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Pennsylvania State University
Bonnie Alco, Ph.D.
Negotiating academic discourse in a second language: A case study and analysis.
Department of Education, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA
Eun-Ju Kim, Ph.D.
In the midst of EFT curricular reform: An activity theory analysis of teachers’ and student’s experiences in South Korea.
Hanyang Women’s University, Seoul, South Korean
Amber Navarre, Ph.D.
Discourse of female marriage-based immigrants in Taiwan.
Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature, Boston University
Xingren Xu, Ph.D.
Exploring the impact of aging through transitivity: A systemic functional approach to Chinese elders’ narratives.
School of Foreign Languages, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China
Parastou Feiz, Ph.D.
The expression and conceptualization of motion through space and manner of motion in Persian and English: A comparative analysis.
Department of Applied Linguistics and TESL, California State University, San Bernardino, CA
Victoria Hasko (neé Driagina), Ph.D.
Crossing and bridging spaces in a second language: A corpus-based investigation of motion talk by American learners of Russian.
Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Jonathon Reinhardt, Ph.D.
Directives usage by ITAs: An applied learner corpus analysis.
Department of English, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Hanae Katayama, Ph.D.
A cross-cultural analysis of humor in stand-up comedy in the United States and Japan.
Department of International Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Xuehua Xiang, Ph.D.
A Discourse-pragmatic study of interactional particles in Shishan (Hainan Island, P.R., China).
Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois at Chicago
An Cheng, Ph.D.
Genre and learning : Exploring learners and learning in the ESP genre-based framework of learning academic writing.
Department of English, Oklahoma State University, Norman, OK
Marilia Mendes Ferreira, Ph.D.
A concept-based approach to writing instruction: from the abstract concept to the concrete performance.
Department of Modern Languages, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Jong Oh Eun, Ph.D.
How idealized American English norms are created and reinforced in English lessons on television: A discourse analysis of two popular English language TV shows in Korea.
Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, Monterey, CA