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Haneda, M., Sherman, B., & Teemant, A. (2019). Assisted performance through instructional coaching: A critical sociocultural perspective. In M. Haneda & Nassaji, H. (Eds.), Perspectives on language as action. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Haneda, M., Sherman, B., Bose, F., & Teemant, A. (2019). Ways of interacting: What underlies coaches’ discursive actions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 78, 165-173.
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Haneda, M., & Alexander, M. (2015). ESL teacher advocacy beyond the classroom. Teaching and Teacher Education, 49, 149-158.
Haneda, M. (2014). From academic language to academic communication: Building on English learners’ resources. Linguistics and Education, 26, 126-135.