Undergraduate ESL/EAP courses

Undergraduate ESL/EAP courses

At the undergraduate level, our regular course offering is a 3-credit class in academic writing and reading — ESL015 ESL Composition for American Academic Communication II. There is an associated 1-credit tutoring option that can be taken concurrently with ESL015, with instructor permission and/or recommendation, which is called ESL005 Writing Tutorial. Other courses in academic English are occasionally offered.

ESL015 is offered in multiple sections every semester, including Summer sessions. Please check the current Schedule of Courses at Penn State for the exact times and locations of the classes on offer.

Placement into ESL/EAP courses is done on the basis of student interest and advisor recommendation or requirement. For more information about choosing whether to register for ESL015 or not, please consult the placement rubric.

Note:  ESL (English as a Second Language) / EAP (English for Academic Purposes) classes are offered through the Department of Applied Linguistics only for undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled as matriculated students at The Pennsylvania State University. If you are interested in studying English in order to (a) prepare for the TOEFL test, (a) enter an American university program, or (c) improve your general English skills, please visit the website of our Intensive English Communication Program, the IECP.


Course Descriptions

ESL015  ESL Composition for American Academic Communication II

Regularly offered. Cross-listed with GWS. Fulfills first-year composition requirement. No pre-requisites.

This one-semester course is for undergraduate students who are non-native speakers of English. Students will become familiar with the various stages in the process of writing and develop strategies for reading and writing various models of American academic discourse.

Students will participate in a variety of reading and writing tasks that will enable them to: (a) define the subject, purpose, audience, and appropriate organizational structure for written compositions; (b) revise and reshape their writing to improve ideas, organization, language use, vocabulary and mechanics; (c) identify and correct structural and grammatical errors within their written texts; (d) select sources, take notes, and acknowledge sources to support ideas, using the library to conduct library research; and, (e) become better writers in preparation for their college careers.

This course may be used to satisfy the basic minimum requirements for graduation in any baccalaureate degree program.

ESL005   Writing Tutorial

Regularly offered. Must be taken in conjunction with ESL015.

This one-credit, one-semester tutorial is designed to support students who are enrolled in ESL015, the first-year writing course for international undergraduate students. In ESL015 students are required to complete four formal writing assignments, reflective journal writings, and two oral presentations. There is also supplemental instruction on academic citation, grammar and word choice, and research skills.

ESL005 helps students master the content and the associated skills taught in ESL015. Students meet regularly with a tutorial adviser for 40 minutes at least once a week throughout the semester. Tutoring is offered by students of the MA TESL program as part of their Field Experience requirement. This course may not be used to satisfy the basic minimum requirements for graduation in any baccalaureate degree program.

Students may enroll in this course only if they are concurrently enrolled in ESL015; enrollment is limited, and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis, but may also take into consideration instructor recommendations and the number of seats available.

ESL 297 Special Topics: Academic English for University Study

Occasionally offered.

This is a general, integrated-skills English as a Second Language class which provides crucial language, communication, and study skill practice for students who are relatively new to the American university context. Topics are drawn from core liberal arts, humanities, and social science domains. Projects include oral presentations, written essays, and other college-level assignments. Orientation to American university practices and expectations is a central feature of the class.