Jason J. Litzenberg

Jason J. Litzenberg

Teaching Professor in Applied Linguistics
Director, IECP (Intensive English Communication Program)
204 Wagner
(814) 865-5713
Area(s) of Specialization: Decolonial Scholarship, English as a Lingua Franca, Intensive English Programs, Linguistic landscape, Sociolinguistics, World Englishes
Jason J. Litzenberg


Ph.D., Applied Linguistics and ESL, Georgia State University, 2013
M.A., Linguistics/TESOL, University of Florida
M.A. (equivalent), German Language Education, Universität Leipzig

Professional Bio

Jason Litzenberg is Teaching Professor of Applied Linguistics and Director of the Intensive English Communication Program (IECP). He has over 25 years of experience the areas of English Language Teaching (ELT) and Applied Linguistics; he has worked in Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, and the United States. Jason’s research interests are in the areas of sociolinguistics, English as a Lingua Franca, World Englishes, Linguistic Landscapes, Language Program Administration, and Decolonial Scholarship. Jason’s academic work centers on the concerns of ELT professionals and institutions, considering the impact of ideological and theoretical changes within the ELT industry through a critical sociopolitical lens. These interests extend into the practices of the IECP, which recently introduced a revised curriculum informed by a decolonial option and which continues to seek ways to re-envision the ELT industry. IEPs can be creative and innovative resources for students, institutions, professionals, and researchers! Jason is active in ELT professional organizations; he is currently vice-president of the University and College Intensive English Program (UCIEP) consortia, an organization that supports and strengthens college- and university-governed English language programs.


Select Recent Articles and Book Chapters

Litzenberg, J. (Ed.). (2023, forthcoming). From start to future: Innovation in university-based Intensive English Programs. Multilingual Matters.

Litzenberg, J., & Kim, M. (2023, forthcoming). “ELI, ELP, or IEP? Tracing the growth of an industry”. In: Litzenberg, J. (Ed.), From start to future: Innovation University-based Intensive English Programs. Multilingual Matters.

Litzenberg, J. (2023). Intensive English Program ecology: Decolonizing ‘from within the cracks’”. ELT Journal, 77(3), doi:10.1093/elt/ccad00

Madany, M., & Litzenberg, J. (2021). Developing agency and translingual literacy through games”. TESOL Connections. (December 2021 issue) http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesolc/issues/2021-12-01/email.html

Litzenberg, J. (2021). Innovation, resiliency and genius in Intensive English Programs: Decolonializing recruitment and contradictory advocacy”. Applied linguistics, 42(5), 905–923. doi:10.1093/applin/amab015

Tankosic, A., & Litzenberg, J. (2021). Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian: Inherent translanguaging in the linguistic landscape of Sarajevo”. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(2), 183-203. doi:10.1515/eujal-2019-0041

Litzenberg, J. (2020). ‘If I don’t do it, somebody else will’: The covert neoliberal policy discourses in the decision-making processes of an IEP”. TESOL Quarterly, 54(1), 823-45. doi:10.1002/tesq.563

Litzenberg, J. (2019) . Achieving accord in the status discord of English language teaching”. PAIS newsletter (Sept 2019 issue). http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesolpais/issues/2019-09-20/2.html

Litzenberg, J. (2018). ‘Official language for intercultural ties’: Cultural concessions and strategic roles of Ecuadorian Kichwa in developing institutional identities”. Linguistic Landscapes, 4(2), 153-77. doi:10.1075/ll.17016.lit

Lindemann, S., Campbell, M., Litzenberg, J., & Subtirelu, N. (2016). Explicit and implicit training for improving native English speakers’ comprehension of nonnative speech. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 2(1), 93-107

Litzenberg, J.  (2014). Pre-service teacher perspectives towards pedagogical uses of non-native and native speech samples. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 24, n/a. doi: 10.1111/ijal.12084

Lindemann, S., Litzenberg, J., & Subtirelu, N. (2014). Problematizing the dependence on L1 norms in L2 pronunciation teaching: Attitudes toward second-language pronunciation. In A. Moyer, & J. Levis (Eds.), Social influences in L2 pronunciation (pp. 171-194). New York: De Gruyter Mouton.

Pickering, L., & Litzenberg, J.  (2011). Intonation as a pragmatic resource in ELF interaction, revisited. In A. Alasdair, A. Cogo, & A. Jenkins, J. (Eds.), Latest trends in ELF Research (pp. 77-92). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press.